About the liturgy
First time back to Church or unsure how to navigate the Liturgy?
In a nutshell: Any instructions for the Mass are in italics and reveal when the choir sing or what posture we adopt, depending on the part of the liturgy. The congregational parts are in bold face type (except for the hymns in which we all join). If you are stumped ask someone next to you. Don’t be shy.
But at the deeper and spiritual level:
In this liturgy all our senses are used in our encounter with the Living God.
as we gaze on the beauty of light, architectural form and sculpture, the experience of Christ in our fellow worshippers.
in the beauty of music and the cadences of speech, poetry and conversation. We also experience the presence of God—the author of all life and goodness—in the oneness that comes through the various silences that punctuate the Liturgy.
in the embrace of each person at the exchange of the Peace in the centre of the Liturgy as well as the touch of Christ in the humble things of bread and wine through which he shares his body and his blood.
in the Eucharistic bread and wine—the body and blood of the One made Flesh.
in the incense—the symbol of prayer rising before God and the hallowing of our prayer and actions—in awe at the mysterious presence of God.
Corpus Christi 2018