The eighteenth Sunday in ordinary time

First Reading: Isaiah 55.1-3: Come, buy and eat!

Responsorial Psalm: 145. 8-9, 15-16, 17-18 (R. 16)


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Second Reading: Romans 8.35, 37-39: Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God

Gospel Acclamation:

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Gospel: Matthew 14.13-21 All ate and were filled

Motet: Ave verum corpus - Byrd


Ave verum corpus,
natum de Maria Virgine:
vere passum, immolatum
in cruce pro homine:
Cuius latus perforatum
unda fluxit sanguine.
Esto nobis praegustatum,
in mortis examine.
O dulcis! O pie!
O Jesu, fili Mariae.
Miserere mei. Amen.


Hail to the true body,
born of the Virgin Mary,
who truly suffered, sacrificed
on the cross for mankind;
from whose pierced side
flowed both water and blood.
Be for us a foretaste
at the hour of our death:
O sweet, O merciful,
O Jesus, son of Mary,
have mercy on me. Amen.

Angus Gordon