Music list archive 2020

Sunday 2 February, 9.30am – The Presentation of the Lord [Sextet]
Introit: Suscepimus, Deus (‘We ponder your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple) chant (mode I)
Lighting of Candles:   Christ is the light of the nations (mode VIII)
Mass setting:  Communion Service in F – Herbert Sumsion
Communion: When to the Temple Mary went – Johannes Eccard
Organ recessional: Chaconne in E Minor (BuxWV 160) – Dietrich Buxtehude

Friday 7 February, 7.00pm – A Summer Mass
Kyrie & Agnus Dei:  from Communion Service in D – Kenneth Leighton
Coventry Gloria - Peter Jones
Communion: Ubi caritas et amor - Maurice Duruflé
Organ recessional: Menuet Gothique - Leon Boëllmann

Sunday 23 February, 9.30am – Transfiguration (The Sunday before Lent)
Introit:  Tibi dixit cor meum (‘Come,’ my heart says, ‘seek his face!’) chant (mode III)
Mass setting: Missa brevis – G.P. da Palestrina
Communion: O nata lux – Thomas Tallis
Organ recessional: O Welt, ich muß dich lassen, Op. 122, No. 11 – Johannes Brahms 

Sunday 15 March, 9.30am - Third Sunday of Lent
Introit: Oculi mei (My eyes are ever toward the Lord)  chant (mode VII)
Mass setting: Mass for Four Voices – William Byrd
Communion: Nolo mortem peccatoris – Thomas Morley
Organ recessional: O Welt, ich muß dich lassen, Op. 122, No. 3 – Johannes Brahms 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no live music at St Mark’s for the remainder of 2020. Planned music for Holy Week and Easter was as follows.

Sunday 5 April, 9.30am - Passion (Palm) Sunday
Introit: Hosanna filio David (Hosanna to the Son of David) – chant (mode VII)
Mass setting: Communion Service in the Phrygian Mode  – Charles Wood
Communion: God so loved the world - Bob Chilcott
Organ recessional: Jésus accepte la souffrance – Olivier Messiaen

Thursday 9 April, 7.30pm - Maundy Thursday
Introit: Nos autem (May we never boast) – chant (mode IV)
Communion Service in D – Kenneth Leighton
Washing of Feet: Ubi caritas – Maurice Duruflé
Communion:  Christus factus est – Anton Bruckner
Procession: Hymn Of the glorious body tellingTantum ergo – Louis Vierne

Friday 10 April, 3.00pm - Good Friday
The Passion: St John Passion – T.L. de Victoria, arr. GC
Veneration of the Cross: The Reproaches – T.L. de Victoria
Communion: God so loved the world  – Bob Chilcott 

Saturday 11 April, 8.30pm - Easter Vigil / Holy Saturday
Mass setting: Missa brevis in C (K.259) – W.A. Mozart
Sprinkling:   Sicut cervus – G.P. da Palestrina
Communion: Most glorious Lord of life – William Harris
Organ recessional: Incantation pour un jour saint – Jean Langlais

Sunday 12 April, 9.30am - Easter Sunday [Quartet]
Introit:  Resurrexi  (I awake, and am still with you) – chant (mode IV)
Mass setting: Communion Service in F – Herbert Sumsion
Communion: Regina caeli – Francesco Soriano
Organ recessional: Christ lag in Todesbanden (BWV 625) J.S. Bach